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About ​Suzie Hope Designs

Suzie Hope Designs is the designer and maker of the original and best quality reversible padded ironing board covers. The business has been operating  for 30+ years, with new ranges and colours being introduced to meet today's needs. 


In 1983 Suzie decided that the old blanket and sheet held together with huge safety pins which covered the family's ironing board had to go, so she set about designing a ironer-friendly cover. After several prototypes Suzie decided that a padded and reversible cover worked most effectively to make her ironing life easy. (Reversible ironing board covers are designed to be used on either side, so can be turned over during the long life the cover - often 3 -5 years or more.) 


The one thing that hasn't changed over the years has been the quality of the fabric, the generous cut and construction of our covers.  I am are proud to boast that  fabric offcuts are recycled.

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